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So far, we've treated pages as entirely standalone components — upon navigation, the existing component will be destroyed, and a new one will take its place.

But in many apps, there are elements that should be visible on every page, such as top-level navigation or a footer. Instead of repeating them in every page, we can use layout components.

To create a layout that applies to every page, make a file called src/routes/__layout.svelte. The default layout (the one that SvelteKit uses if you don't bring your own) looks like this...


...but we can add whatever markup, styles and behaviour we want. The only requirement is that the component includes a <slot> for the page content. For example, let's add a nav bar:

	<a href="/">Home</a>
	<a href="/about">About</a>
	<a href="/settings">Settings</a>


If we create pages for /, /about and /settings...


...the nav will always be visible, and clicking between the three pages will only result in the <h1> being replaced.

Nested layoutspermalink

Suppose we don't just have a single /settings page, but instead have nested pages like /settings/profile and /settings/notifications with a shared submenu (for a real-life example, see

We can create a layout that only applies to pages below /settings (while inheriting the root layout with the top-level nav):


<div class="submenu">
	<a href="/settings/profile">Profile</a>
	<a href="/settings/notifications">Notifications</a>



To reset the layout stack, create a __layout.reset.svelte file instead of a __layout.svelte file. For example, if you want your /admin/* pages to not inherit the root layout, create a file called src/routes/admin/__layout.reset.svelte.

Layout resets are otherwise identical to normal layout components.

Error pagespermalink

If a page fails to load (see Loading), SvelteKit will render an error page. You can customise this page by creating __error.svelte components alongside your layouts and pages.

For example, if src/routes/settings/notifications/index.svelte failed to load, SvelteKit would render src/routes/settings/notifications/__error.svelte in the same layout, if it existed. If not, it would render src/routes/settings/__error.svelte in the parent layout, or src/routes/__error.svelte in the root layout.

SvelteKit provides a default error page in case you don't supply src/routes/__error.svelte, but it's recommended that you bring your own.

If an error component has a load function, it will be called with error and status properties:

<script context="module">
	/** @type {import('@sveltejs/kit').ErrorLoad} */
	export function load({ error, status }) {
		return {
			props: {
				title: `${status}: ${error.message}`

	export let title;


Layouts also have access to error and status via the page store

Server-side stack traces will be removed from error in production, to avoid exposing privileged information to users.

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